2024 Resolutions: Setting goals for January

2024 Resolutions: Setting goals for January

What does January mean to you?

On paper January is the first month of a new year, but for many this month carries more weight and meaning. It's a month that means: restart, begin again, start fresh. For more pessimistic individuals out there, January maybe feels more like Sisyphus: a month where the hard uphill work begins once again.  

It's a time of year that we research and write and talk about each year like clockwork, despite success or failure. However you feel about January, good or bad, it's true that it's often ground zero for our goals. 

For Covergalls, January means new beginnings and old work. By that we mean seeking new and exciting opportunities and changes, but also a dedication - a resolve - to continue creating great, quality gear that helps individuals across Canada and around the globe. 

This year, 2024, promises to be an interesting one for us. We have a lot of goals: accessing our strengths and fortifying them, keeping up old friendships and partnerships, and making new connections. And while we're excited by the hard work to come this year, we also know the value of rest.

Often when we lose sight or give up on our resolutions it's because we burn out - sprinting fast in what is really a marathon. This year is important, yes. But so is next year, and the year after, and the year after that. 

So for our Covergalls community out there, what we hope this January means to you is the start of another year where you stay safe, healthy, strong, and positive. The new year, January especially, can be stressful but we hope you don't get into a cycle of "false hope syndrome." Chase your goals and dreams and resolutions, but also look after yourselves and your loved ones; and amongst the hard work, don't forget to have fun. 

To have fun this year with your goals, try out the New Year Resolutions BINGO card we created! Download Your Copy!


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